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Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
General Ant Treatment: starting at $235.00 plus tax.
Carpenter Ants: starting at $285.00 plus tax (a follow up treatment which usually costs $95 plus tax might be recommended at time of service)
Once remedial ant treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. As our material breaks down future ants will pick up pheromones of past ant populations and return to the home. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
From soil ants to the highly destructive wood destroying carpenter ant. Fine's Pest Control treats a variety of ant species in our area. During each ant treatment we complete an exterior spray of your home or building utilizing a safe, highly effective residual insecticide. The insecticide leaves an invisible residue behind. Foraging ants contact this residual insecticide then carry the material back to nesting locations eventually eliminating the ant nest.
During treatment we also utilize ant specie specific baits around the interior and exterior of your home or building. Foraging ants bring this bait back to the nest to feed the nest leading to the elimination of the nest. While the treatment is effective without locating the ant nesting locations Fine’s still completes an inspection looking for potential ant nesting locations during this treatment.
The insecticide we utilize is considered a broad-spectrum insecticide meaning the treatment will also offer a significant reduction in non-target insect activity such as spiders, stinging insects, centipedes, occasional invaders and over 50 other insects native to our service area (termites and bed bugs are not included).
After treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation, nest size, nest location, impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
General Bee Treatment: starting at $265.00 plus tax.
Carpenter Bee Treatment: starting at $275.00 plus tax (a follow up treatment which usually costs $95 plus tax might be recommended at time of service).
Once remedial bee treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. As our material breaks down future bee’s will pick up pheromones of past bee populations and return to the home. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
White Tail Hornets, Yellow Jackets, Wasps, European Hornets, Bumble Bees and Carpenter Bees are all common bees found in our service area. During each bee treatment we complete an exterior spray of your home or building utilizing a safe, highly effective residual insecticide. We treat accessible eaves, overhangs and other exterior areas conducive for bee nesting behavior. The insecticide leaves an invisible residue behind. Foraging bee’s contact this residual insecticide killing foraging worker bees which triggers a pheromone reaction signaling to other bees to stay away from certain areas of the structure.
We also locate the bee’s nest and treat the nest. If the nest is attached to the house, we knock down most of the nesting material. However, we do not completely remove the nest as the nest leaves stains from the gluelike material bees create to build their nests, the nesting area would need to be power washed off the house for complete removal of nesting material.
The insecticide we utilize is considered a broad-spectrum insecticide meaning the treatment will also offer a significant reduction in non-target insect activity such as spiders, stinging insects, centipedes, occasional invaders and over 50 other insects native to our service area (termites and bed bugs are not included). After treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.
Please note: Fine’s Pest Control strongly believes in the environmental importance of Honeybees in our service area. If Honeybees are found, we will recommend you contact a beekeeper to preserve the hive. Once the hive is safely extracted, we can come back and make an initial preventative application.

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Structural Roach Treatment: starting at $285.00 plus tax. (Follow up treatments might be recommended at time of service. These start at $95 plus tax)
Once remedial roach treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
German Roaches, American Roaches, Brown-banded Roaches, Oriental Roaches and Wood Roaches are all commonly found in our service area. Most of these species of roaches are “hitch hikers” finding a ride in boxes, peoples belongings and other items moved from one structure to another. Roaches like German Roaches are not native to our service area and cannot survive outdoors through our winters. On the other hand, a wood roach is classified as an occasional invader and would prefer to live outdoors (see occasional invader treatment for wood roach treatment).
Structural roach treatments usually focus on the interior areas of a home or building as these roaches can only survive indoors. During roach treatments we complete an interior spray of your home or building utilizing a safe, highly effective, non-repellent, residual insecticide. The insecticide leaves an invisible residue behind. Foraging roaches contact this residual insecticide and then carry it back to roach harborage areas killing their young and other roaches.
We also utilize species specific roach bait. The roaches are attracted to the bait, they then feed on it, killing adult roaches and young roaches.
After treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.
Please note: Structural roach treatments rely heavily on good sanitation practices. Fine’s Pest Control will make sanitation recommendations during the treatment.

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs based on approximately a half-acre) (Prices are subject to change).
Initial tick, mosquito and other biting insect reduction service: starting at $255.00 plus tax. (Based on Approximately ½ acre).
Ongoing tick, mosquito and other biting insect reduction service: Begins approximately one month after initial treatment and starts at $165 plus tax per application. Three – Four applications recommended per warm season. (Based on Approximately ½ acre).
Treatment Details:
Tick, Mosquito and other biting insect reduction services. Ticks, Mosquito and other biting insect reduction treatments are completed multiple times per warm season with a goal of significantly reducing the population of blood feeding insects such as ticks and mosquitos.
During each treatment we treat areas conducive for high levels of tick, mosquito and other biting insect to human contact on your property. These areas include lawn areas, wood line areas, pool areas, foundation perimeter, garden areas, fence lines, pond areas, campfire areas, children play areas and other areas conducive for tick, mosquito activity.
We utilize a highly effective, safe, residual insecticide which kills ticks in all life stages and reduces adult mosquito populations. At times, insect growth regulators are utilized to break up reproductive cycles of mosquitoes, ticks and other biting insects.
After treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.
Please note: Tick and mosquito services significantly reduce activity. However, its important to take appropriate precautions when venturing outdoors or into the woods.

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Spider Treatment: starting at $275.00 plus tax.
Once remedial spider treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. As our material breaks down future spiders will migrate back to the home or building. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment details:
Spiders can enter the home year-round. During spider treatments we complete an interior spot treatment along with exterior treatment of the foundation perimeter, accessible eaves and overhangs and other areas conducive for spider activity around your home or building utilizing a safe, highly effective residual insecticide. The insecticide leaves an invisible residue behind. Foraging spiders contact this residual insecticide and eventually die from the material.
The insecticide we utilize is considered a broad-spectrum insecticide meaning the treatment will also offer a significant reduction in non-target insect activity such as ants, stinging insects, centipedes, occasional invaders and over 50 other insects native to our service area (termites and bed bugs are not included).
After treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.​​

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Flea Treatment: (Completed in 2-3 treatments) Treatment 1 starting at $275.00 plus tax, Treatment 2 spaced two – three weeks after the first treatment starting at $175 plus tax
Once remedial flea treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. As our material breaks down future fleas can re-enter the home or building. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
Fleas can be very difficult to control. The first step in controlling any flea infestation inside your home or building is having your pet, which is the flea host, treated with a veterinarian recommended flea treatment. Once your pet is on a vet approved treatment program then Fine’s Pest Control can start treating your home or building. It can take 2 to 3 visits to effectively control a flea infestation. Due to flea egg two week hatching cycles each treatment is spaced 2 – 3 weeks apart.
During flea treatments we complete an interior spot treatment of floor surface area, furniture, pet bedding, baseboard areas and other areas conducive for flea activity. During flea treatments we utilize safe, highly effective residual insecticides, along with insect growth regulators to break up flea reproductive cycles and fast acting knock down insecticides to reduce adult flea activity.
During the first treatment exterior areas conducive for flea activity are treated. After the final treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.​​

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Bedbug Treatment: (Completed in 3 or more treatments) Treatment 1 starting at $395.00 plus tax, Treatment 2 spaced two – three weeks after the first treatment starting at $295 plus tax. Treatment 3 spaced two – three weeks after the first treatment starting at $195 plus tax.
Once remedial bedbug treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. As our material breaks down future bedbugs can be re-introduced to the home or building. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
Bedbug treatment is a multi-treatment process. It takes at least 3 treatments to effectively control a bedbug infestation. Due to bed bug egg two week hatching cycles each treatment is spaced 2 – 3 weeks apart. During bedbug treatments we complete an interior spot treatment and crack and crevice treatment of floor surface area, furniture, bedding, baseboard areas and other areas conducive for bedbug activity.
During bedbug treatments we utilize safe, highly effective residual insecticides, along with insect growth regulators to break up bedbug reproductive cycles and fast acting knock down insecticides to reduce adult bedbug activity.
After the final treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.
Please note: Customer preparations are necessary for effective bedbug treatments. Preparation list will be provided upon acceptance of service.
Occasional Invaders

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Occasional Invader Treatment: starting at $255.00 plus tax.
Once remedial treatments are completed it is important to start up on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. As our material breaks down future insect populations will pick up pheromones of past insect populations and return to the home. Homes and building with occasional invading insect concerns are recommended to have one of the two ongoing applications to be completed in the fall. Click here for ongoing preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
Cluster flies, Asian Beetles, Ground Beetles, Centipedes, Stink Bugs, and other Moth's and Beetles all fall in the category of occasional invaders. During treatment for occasional invaders, we complete an exterior spray of your home or building utilizing a safe, highly effective residual insecticide. The insecticide leaves an invisible residue behind. Foraging insects contact this residual insecticide eventually killing the insect.
Occasional invader treatments usually focus on the exterior only. However, in certain situations interior applications may be needed as well. The insecticide we utilize is considered a broad-spectrum insecticide meaning the treatment will also offer a significant reduction in non-target insect activity such as spiders, stinging insects, centipedes, occasional invaders and over 50 other insects native to our service area (termites and bed bugs are not included).
After treatment is completed, it takes approximately 15 days for materials to be completely effective. There is a 30-day treatment warranty which begins 15 days after treatment to allow full effect.
All of Fine’s Pest Control treatments are safe for children, pets and the local environment.

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size, bat entry areas along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Bat Shield Bat Exclusion: starting at $985.00 plus tax.
Service Details:
While bats are beneficial in helping to reduce mosquitoes and other insects around your home or property, it is concerning to have bats roosting in your home or structure as they can cause property and health concerns or even damage from droppings and urine.
Fine’s Bat Shield program is a multi-step process. First, we utilize a one-way door technique to allow the bats to safely exit the structure and not re-enter. Second, we return to remove the one-way doors and permanently seal bat entry areas.
We also inspect for secondary entry areas, seal these areas and apply a natural bat repellent to aid in keeping bats away from the structure.
Lastly, we set up two bat houses in strategic locations to provide the bats with a new - safe home.

Estimated treatment costs: (These are estimated costs. Home and building size along with level of infestation impact final cost) (Prices are subject to change).
Estimated Remedial Rodent Treatment Cost: Treatment one completed at a cost of $125 plus tax, follow up treatment completed approximately 3-4 weeks after first treatment at a cost of $125 plus tax. There are additional charges for rodent control equipment utilized during treatment.
Once remedial rodent treatments are completed it is important to start on-going preventative treatments around the home or building. New rodent populations will pick up the scent of old rodent populations and attempt to move into the home or building. Click here for on-going preventative programs.
Treatment Details:
Mice and rats are common to our service area. Rodent control is completed in a multi-step process. During the first visit we inspect for easy rodent access points. We will seal these openings if it is in our scope of expertise, if it is not, we will make recommendations for openings to be sealed. Mice can be almost impossible to exclude from a building as they only need an opening the size of the head of a ball point pen.
During the initial visit we setup multiple rodent control devices as discretely as possible around the interior and exterior of the building. These are locking, tamper proof devices which contain a highly effected rodenticide. The rodents feed on the material and leave the structure to die. The likelihood of rodents dying in the structure is very low, in fact it is more likely that rodents will simply die of "old age" in the structure. The treatment promotes the rodents to leave the structure and die.
Multiple treatments are necessary to effectively eliminate rodent populations.
Treatments are completed in a manner that is safe for pets, children and the local environment.

Estimated Service Cost:
Estimated Termite system installation: starts at $395 plus tax
Termite System ATBS bait stations and bait cartridge low profile units: start at $55 each unit. Average size home usually requires approximately 8 termite stations.
Estimated Annual System Inspection: This inspection occurs one year after system is installed and then on-going each year until cancelled. Inspection cost is $165 plus tax) If bait cartridges need to be replaced during the annual inspection, they will be replaced at a cost of $25 plus tax per cartridges. The bait cartridges can potentially stay active for years without being replaced. This is invoiced once per year.
Treatment Details:
Termites love feeding on most people’s biggest investment, their home. In the U.S. alone, termites cause more than $5 billion worth of damage every year. Despite this, termite damage is not covered by most homeowners' insurance policies. Since termites are found nationwide, there’s a constant risk of termite infestation. So, trust in the Termite Shield Termite Baiting Program, an advanced baiting technology, to protect the well-being of your home.
Termite baiting stations are strategically installed around the perimeter of your home, often in landscape beds to 3-inch diameter by 1-foot-deep cavities into the ground, and these cavities are placed approximately 10 to 20 feet apart. Once these cavities are created, the stations are placed within the cavities—working throughout the year to protect your home. Fine's Pest Control will then come to your home once per year to inspect the stations and provide service.
Trelona® ATBS® Annual Bait Stations are utilized in this termite baiting process and feature a superior design that leads to fast termite hits. In fact, in a university study, termites found Trelona ATBS Annual Bait Stations faster than Sentricon® stations. In this study, Trelona ATBS and Sentricon stations were placed within 0.5 meters of an active termite colony. The study had 20 replicates and stations were checked daily over 46 days producing the results to the right.
While tunneling in search of a food source, termites find a Trelona ATBS bait station, feed, then leave a pheromone trail behind them as they travel back to the colony. Upon returning to the colony, they share the bait with others and recruit more termites to follow the pheromone trail back to the source. What they don’t realize is the bait contains Novaluron—an active ingredient that prevents the termites’ vital process of molting. Over time, more and more termites will have fed upon the bait and start to die, beginning the process of colony elimination.
While studies indicate the Trelona Termite System can act quickly it may take up to approximately two years for the system to be completely effective.
Raccoons, skunks, possums, squirrels and other wildlife can sometimes gain entry to attics, crawlspaces and other areas of the home. Fine's Pest Control offers a variety of solutions to help exclude or remove nuisance wildlife. First, we complete an inspection to diagnose the concern. Nuisance Wildlife Inspections start at $95 plus tax. Once the concern is diagnosed, we will work up a treatment plan and cost for you. Click here to schedule an inspection today.

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